This family asked if I would go downtown and did I know of a spot?? Ohh..... do I know of SPOTS! I LOVE, can I say that again... I LOVE shooting downtown! And I love shooting in different locations downtown. This sweet mama, I will call her Mrs. M. wanted to know what the pictures looked like before I edited and did it make that much of a difference? So I will leave that up to you........ What do you think???

***attention this last part get's a little sappy and boreing :)
I spent last year reorganizing and restructuring my business. Added a new look, new logo, new pricing and above all that....... lots of training! The biggest thing I learned was about my clients, or as I call them my BFF's.
I learned that the people I want to work with want my time after all that is what they are paying me for right? They want me to help them through the process. Find the location that fits their family, help decide on clothing that looks good on them and their family and basically just hold their hand through the whole process. Because for my clients these may be the only family pictures they have done..... EVER...... For some, they want them done every year to watch how their children grow and mature in their looks. And for some........It will be their last photo here on this beautiful earth....... I love that! I feel truly Blessed by that! I love being a part of each and every family and that is why I want their family to be a part of my family.
I want to make sure they understand that I spend a lot of time before we ever meet preparing for our session. And when I sit down to edit their pictures they are the ones I am focusing on. I do ONE session a week unless extreme circumstances occur, I Hand edit every picture, I don't run "actions" I do use one warming filter if needed and portraiture at the end if needed. So every picture is unique! If you want the same EXACT look on every picture, sorry you won't get it because it's just not possible but I can have them look similiar :)
I am so enjoying myself this year because I know I am giving a good quality product that each and every family can see and I am giving the best customer service I can possibly give!
So Thank you to All of my clients this year, you have truly enriched my life!